Disclaimer: Each birth story is based on real life experience and is NOT intended to replace any medical advice. Permission is obtained from the rightful owner. Please kindly seek permission from this site owner for sharing to your network. THANK YOU!!!
Safuura's doula'ed home-waterbirth
Around 7.30-9.00
Maghrib prayers and isyak prayers, terpaksa solat duduk sebab kaki dan pinggang tak selesa. Sebelum ni memang solat berdiri. Got some yellow-whitish discharge but I thought it just a normal discharge......
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Around 7.30-9.00
Maghrib prayers and isyak prayers, terpaksa solat duduk sebab kaki dan pinggang tak selesa. Sebelum ni memang solat berdiri. Got some yellow-whitish discharge but I thought it just a normal discharge......
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Nisa's first drug-free hospital birth
Monday (26/05/14) :I am at my 38 weeks and today is my first day of maternity leaves. I had a slight fever since last Saturday and not feeling 100% myself . I need to go to my appointment with the specialist at Hospital Seberang Jaya,Pulau Pinang at 8am for follow up scan because the last scan showed my little one's abdomen circumference was quite small (four weeks behind). Alhamdulillah everything went well. But the doctor still admitted me due to the fever and low fetal movement......
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Monday (26/05/14) :I am at my 38 weeks and today is my first day of maternity leaves. I had a slight fever since last Saturday and not feeling 100% myself . I need to go to my appointment with the specialist at Hospital Seberang Jaya,Pulau Pinang at 8am for follow up scan because the last scan showed my little one's abdomen circumference was quite small (four weeks behind). Alhamdulillah everything went well. But the doctor still admitted me due to the fever and low fetal movement......
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Daphne's freebirth-homebirth
After a not so pleasant birth with Ian, I started to explore around on other birth options and came across gentle birthing. I understand that hospital birth can be gentle as well. However, I feel insecure with the hospital settings that might be out of my control and this will cause pressure to me. I wish to avoid all unnecessary medical interventions at all cost.
So, when I was conceived with Isaac, I made sure......
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After a not so pleasant birth with Ian, I started to explore around on other birth options and came across gentle birthing. I understand that hospital birth can be gentle as well. However, I feel insecure with the hospital settings that might be out of my control and this will cause pressure to me. I wish to avoid all unnecessary medical interventions at all cost.
So, when I was conceived with Isaac, I made sure......
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Ying Ying's unexpected homebirth
I woke up around 3am when my water leaked. I was thinking that the wishes of the family visiting Penang came true. Everyone has been asking me, "When baby will be here?" And they hope to see Maia before they leave Penang. (Most family are back in Penang for my sister's wedding on Dec 29 and stayed through New Year). I couldn't get back to sleep so I got up to text Dr Narinder, Sandi (our doula friend), Daphne (a friend who processed my placenta)......
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I woke up around 3am when my water leaked. I was thinking that the wishes of the family visiting Penang came true. Everyone has been asking me, "When baby will be here?" And they hope to see Maia before they leave Penang. (Most family are back in Penang for my sister's wedding on Dec 29 and stayed through New Year). I couldn't get back to sleep so I got up to text Dr Narinder, Sandi (our doula friend), Daphne (a friend who processed my placenta)......
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Cheryl's dreamy birth
Week 37 & 3 days(13/7/2016) :Went to the doctor for regular check up and was informed that my amniotic fluid was low. Doctor told me to just monitor baby’s movement and come back next week for check up again. That night itself I experienced acid reflux together with several Braxton Hicks and thought that was unbearable as I was not prepared and eventually it subsided. I went back to the doctor on Friday 15/7 as the pain was no longer there......
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Week 37 & 3 days(13/7/2016) :Went to the doctor for regular check up and was informed that my amniotic fluid was low. Doctor told me to just monitor baby’s movement and come back next week for check up again. That night itself I experienced acid reflux together with several Braxton Hicks and thought that was unbearable as I was not prepared and eventually it subsided. I went back to the doctor on Friday 15/7 as the pain was no longer there......
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Lina's "happening" birth
It was supposed to be a calm water birth experience with my second, but he could not wait to see the world! On Thursday morning, I saw blood streak so I told myself and my eldest, baby is coming soon. Also I texted hubby "Baby is coming tonight or tomorrow morning". At the same time, I messaged my doctor and informed him of the blood streak, he reassured me that would not be a problem. I ran my daily routine as usual ......
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It was supposed to be a calm water birth experience with my second, but he could not wait to see the world! On Thursday morning, I saw blood streak so I told myself and my eldest, baby is coming soon. Also I texted hubby "Baby is coming tonight or tomorrow morning". At the same time, I messaged my doctor and informed him of the blood streak, he reassured me that would not be a problem. I ran my daily routine as usual ......
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