Cheryl's dreamy birth
My Birth Story
Week 37 & 3 days(13/7/2016)
Went to the doctor for regular check up and was informed that my amniotic fluid was low. Doctor told me to just monitor baby’s movement and come back next week for check up again. That night itself I experienced acid reflux together with several Braxton Hicks and thought that was unbearable as I was not prepared and eventually it subsided. I went back to the doctor on Friday 15/7 as the pain was no longer there.
Friday 15/7
Doctor said my amniotic level is lower than Wednesday and that I should come in on Monday 1am 18/7 to be induced at Week 38.
Having a strong desire to try natural birth, I was in real dilemma as to go in to be induced or to wait longer but at the same time fearing that my water level might put baby at risk. While all this dilemma was taking place, being Chinese, the family started to post concern on what is a good day to deliver baby as there’s belief of avoiding the 15th of the Chinese Calendar month for baby boy, which so happened to be the date that doctor set for induction. So after much discussion, we decided to check in to the hospital on the 19/7 at 1am for baby’s heart beat monitoring and to be induced on the 20/7 at 1am(Week 38 & 3 days).
Week 38 & 3 days(20/7/2016)
So comes the time of induction, nurse checked my cervix and told me that I do not need to be induced as I am already 3cm dilated! My heart was leaping with joy upon hearing that!!! Hallelujah!!! Guess my exercises, squats and prayers work plus I think baby knows how much I do not want to be induced! So I slept through the night. The doctor came in and check the next day and I was happy to know I have dilated 3 cm. The nurses prepared me to be in labour room and set me with the drip. I was fine with the ‘drip’ suggestion as I was very ready to have the baby.
Labour Room
According to the nurses, I’ve already had some surges a.k.a. contractions while in my own room. The surges felt nothing most of the time. It was just some sort of pressure to me which I could still sleep through it. So when I got to the labour room, CTG was attached to my belly all the time but I didn’t find it uncomfortable as I could still sit straight up and laid on my left which I find comfortable. I was sitting straight up and laid on my left which I found comfortable. I was sitting straight up from 3-5cm dilation and shifted to lie on my left during 5-8cm dilation. The surges were bearable most of the time and I literally felt like I was in a greenery park during rest periods. Strange as it may sound but I did not purposely tried to imagine myself in the park…It just happened.
My husband was such a great help in this birthing experience. He constantly fed me with water and fed me porridge when I was 5cm dilated. He would monitor my surge breathing and will add pressure on my back when I was surging and while I was resting, he would apply wet towel and wipe my back, which was such a great relieve!
The real intense surge was when I was 8-9cm dilated and I had just the strongest urge to push, I did moan like you’re doing the no. 2 in the toilet, only the intensity was more. I still continue to practice surge breathing whenever I could however pushing seemed to release the pressure as well. I just pushed when I felt like I can’t breathe through the surge. Husband and midwives constantly reminded me to breathe. Midwife also did VE which I do not mind. I just wanted to know how far I was and eager to push the baby out already. I saw the midwives preparing the legs spread steel poles(Stirrups) and I knew it was time to push. I was actually very excited and couldn’t wait for it.
Crowning phase
I found this phase actually quite dreamlike. I’d like to think that I was only awake during surges as I literally just rested completely, almost at sleeping stage during rest period, though I was still very aware of surrounding. During this stage, I actually saw myself in a big green field with white dandelions. Again, I didn’t put myself or deliberately pictured the green field, it just happened every time I rested and closed my eyes. Baby’s head was stuck for quite some time and doctor showed hubby that he had to do a small incision on me to give baby more space to come out. Husband agreed to that. And shortly after few more pushes, doctor said he would have to use vacuum to assist baby out but husband stood firm and said "let us try again". Husband just looked at me and I nodded. So, I prayed out loud and gave 3 big pushes and the baby’s head was out and one small push for the shoulder. Husband then reacted so quickly and told the doctor to delay cord clamping and at the same time pulling my robe down and telling the doctor for skin to skin contact.(still can’t believe how well he synchronized all this when I was just like a flop without energy). He then went to cut the cord after the clamping and I think he was nervous as I heard doctor telling him that his hand was shaking…Haha…He surprised me even more when he asked the midwives what was the thing that they were holding and were about to jab me. He was pretty alert I must say and when we had consented to the jab, he went on to make hot Milo for me(Chinese custom,can’t drink water or go on empty tummy after birth), and when he was done with hot Milo, he saw the nurse wanted to wipe me with wet cloth and he stopped that as well. Again, part of Chinese custom to use Ginger Tea to wipe and not just wet cloth. The nurse then explained that because of skin to skin contact I had blood all over my breast and it’s breastfeeding time. So we consented to just wiping my breast area with hot towel and resumed breastfeeding.
All in all the real labour lasted less than 4 hours. I was not induced, no laughing gas and epidural though put on drip and had an episiotomy but no vacuum nor forceps. Husband was a great help in this birthing experience and it’s also our first baby. I’d say the breathing technique helps a lot and I’m not too sure if I did birth breathing at all. Or maybe it actually was birth breathing…All I did was to take in deep breath, pause and channel all the energy down to my tummy. I did not moan nor shout, it was rather quiet and all I heard was the midwives cheering me on to push.
So to conclude, I would like to think that my birthing experience was what I had hope to achieve and I am glad and thankful for my husband to be in this with me together. I don’t think I would have done that well without him. Also preparing oneself prior to birth about breathing and relaxation techniques will do wonders.
Cheryl Ho/Luke(baby)
My Birth Story
Week 37 & 3 days(13/7/2016)
Went to the doctor for regular check up and was informed that my amniotic fluid was low. Doctor told me to just monitor baby’s movement and come back next week for check up again. That night itself I experienced acid reflux together with several Braxton Hicks and thought that was unbearable as I was not prepared and eventually it subsided. I went back to the doctor on Friday 15/7 as the pain was no longer there.
Friday 15/7
Doctor said my amniotic level is lower than Wednesday and that I should come in on Monday 1am 18/7 to be induced at Week 38.
Having a strong desire to try natural birth, I was in real dilemma as to go in to be induced or to wait longer but at the same time fearing that my water level might put baby at risk. While all this dilemma was taking place, being Chinese, the family started to post concern on what is a good day to deliver baby as there’s belief of avoiding the 15th of the Chinese Calendar month for baby boy, which so happened to be the date that doctor set for induction. So after much discussion, we decided to check in to the hospital on the 19/7 at 1am for baby’s heart beat monitoring and to be induced on the 20/7 at 1am(Week 38 & 3 days).
Week 38 & 3 days(20/7/2016)
So comes the time of induction, nurse checked my cervix and told me that I do not need to be induced as I am already 3cm dilated! My heart was leaping with joy upon hearing that!!! Hallelujah!!! Guess my exercises, squats and prayers work plus I think baby knows how much I do not want to be induced! So I slept through the night. The doctor came in and check the next day and I was happy to know I have dilated 3 cm. The nurses prepared me to be in labour room and set me with the drip. I was fine with the ‘drip’ suggestion as I was very ready to have the baby.
Labour Room
According to the nurses, I’ve already had some surges a.k.a. contractions while in my own room. The surges felt nothing most of the time. It was just some sort of pressure to me which I could still sleep through it. So when I got to the labour room, CTG was attached to my belly all the time but I didn’t find it uncomfortable as I could still sit straight up and laid on my left which I find comfortable. I was sitting straight up and laid on my left which I found comfortable. I was sitting straight up from 3-5cm dilation and shifted to lie on my left during 5-8cm dilation. The surges were bearable most of the time and I literally felt like I was in a greenery park during rest periods. Strange as it may sound but I did not purposely tried to imagine myself in the park…It just happened.
My husband was such a great help in this birthing experience. He constantly fed me with water and fed me porridge when I was 5cm dilated. He would monitor my surge breathing and will add pressure on my back when I was surging and while I was resting, he would apply wet towel and wipe my back, which was such a great relieve!
The real intense surge was when I was 8-9cm dilated and I had just the strongest urge to push, I did moan like you’re doing the no. 2 in the toilet, only the intensity was more. I still continue to practice surge breathing whenever I could however pushing seemed to release the pressure as well. I just pushed when I felt like I can’t breathe through the surge. Husband and midwives constantly reminded me to breathe. Midwife also did VE which I do not mind. I just wanted to know how far I was and eager to push the baby out already. I saw the midwives preparing the legs spread steel poles(Stirrups) and I knew it was time to push. I was actually very excited and couldn’t wait for it.
Crowning phase
I found this phase actually quite dreamlike. I’d like to think that I was only awake during surges as I literally just rested completely, almost at sleeping stage during rest period, though I was still very aware of surrounding. During this stage, I actually saw myself in a big green field with white dandelions. Again, I didn’t put myself or deliberately pictured the green field, it just happened every time I rested and closed my eyes. Baby’s head was stuck for quite some time and doctor showed hubby that he had to do a small incision on me to give baby more space to come out. Husband agreed to that. And shortly after few more pushes, doctor said he would have to use vacuum to assist baby out but husband stood firm and said "let us try again". Husband just looked at me and I nodded. So, I prayed out loud and gave 3 big pushes and the baby’s head was out and one small push for the shoulder. Husband then reacted so quickly and told the doctor to delay cord clamping and at the same time pulling my robe down and telling the doctor for skin to skin contact.(still can’t believe how well he synchronized all this when I was just like a flop without energy). He then went to cut the cord after the clamping and I think he was nervous as I heard doctor telling him that his hand was shaking…Haha…He surprised me even more when he asked the midwives what was the thing that they were holding and were about to jab me. He was pretty alert I must say and when we had consented to the jab, he went on to make hot Milo for me(Chinese custom,can’t drink water or go on empty tummy after birth), and when he was done with hot Milo, he saw the nurse wanted to wipe me with wet cloth and he stopped that as well. Again, part of Chinese custom to use Ginger Tea to wipe and not just wet cloth. The nurse then explained that because of skin to skin contact I had blood all over my breast and it’s breastfeeding time. So we consented to just wiping my breast area with hot towel and resumed breastfeeding.
All in all the real labour lasted less than 4 hours. I was not induced, no laughing gas and epidural though put on drip and had an episiotomy but no vacuum nor forceps. Husband was a great help in this birthing experience and it’s also our first baby. I’d say the breathing technique helps a lot and I’m not too sure if I did birth breathing at all. Or maybe it actually was birth breathing…All I did was to take in deep breath, pause and channel all the energy down to my tummy. I did not moan nor shout, it was rather quiet and all I heard was the midwives cheering me on to push.
So to conclude, I would like to think that my birthing experience was what I had hope to achieve and I am glad and thankful for my husband to be in this with me together. I don’t think I would have done that well without him. Also preparing oneself prior to birth about breathing and relaxation techniques will do wonders.
Cheryl Ho/Luke(baby)
Disclaimer: Each birth story is based on real life experience and is NOT intended to replace any medical advice. Permission is obtained from the rightful owner. Please kindly seek permission from this site owner for sharing to your network. THANK YOU!!!